Simple Dataset for Proof Method Recommendation in Isabelle/HOL
Recently, a growing number of researchers have applied machine learning to assist users of interactive theorem provers. However, the expressive nature of underlying logics and esoteric structures of proof documents impede machine learning practitioners, who often do not have much expertise in formal logic, let alone Isabelle/HOL, from achieving a large scale success in this field. In this data description, we present a simple dataset that contains data on over 400k proof method applications along with over 100 extracted features for each in a format that can be processed easily without any knowledge about formal logic. Our simple data format allows machine learning practitioners to try machine learning tools to predict proof methods in Isabelle/HOL without requiring domain expertise in logic.
Project Dependency Graph
flowchart LR
%% Style definitions
classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef futureWork fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef highlighted fill:#ffff00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
class Abduction futureWork;
class SimpleDataset highlighted;
%% Clickable Nodes
click Abduction "" "Proof By Abduction in Isabelle/HOL"
click TemplateBased "" "Template-Based Conjecturing for Automated Induction in Isabelle/HOL"
click GeneticSyn "" "Genetic Algorithm for Program Synthesis"
click SeLFiE "" "Definitional Quantifiers Realise Semantic Reasoning for Proof by Induction"
click SmarterInduct "" "Faster Smarter Induction for Isabelle/HOL"
click SmartInduct "" "Smart Induction for Isabelle/HOL (Tool Paper)"
click SimpleDataset "" "Simple Dataset for Proof Method Recommendation in Isabelle/HOL"
click LiFtEr "" "LiFtEr: Language to Encode Induction Heuristics for Isabelle/HOL"
click TowardsEvo "" "Towards Evolutionary Theorem Proving for Isabelle/HOL"
click PaMpeR "" "PaMpeR: Proof Method Recommendation System for Isabelle/HOL"
click GoalOriented "" "Goal-Oriented Conjecturing for Isabelle/HOL"
click PSL "" "A Proof Strategy Language and Proof Script Generation for Isabelle/HOL"
click VerifyC "" "A framework for the automatic formal verification of refinement from Cogent to C"
click Refinement "" "Refinement through Restraint: Bringing Down the Cost of Verification"
click VeriFile "" "Cogent: Verifying High-Assurance File System Implementations"
%% Define Edges
VerifyC -->|is part of| Refinement
Refinement --> |is used in| VeriFile
TowardsEvo -->|is realised in| GeneticSyn
TowardsEvo -.-> |should be used in| Abduction
PSL -->|is used in| Abduction
PSL -->|is used in| GoalOriented
PSL -->|is used in| TemplateBased
TemplateBased -->|is used in| Abduction
LiFtEr -->|is used in| SmartInduct
LiFtEr -->|evolves to| SeLFiE
SeLFiE -->|is used in| SmarterInduct
SmartInduct -->|evolves to| SmarterInduct
SmarterInduct -->|is used in| TemplateBased
SimpleDataset -->|is used in| PaMpeR
PaMpeR -.-> |should be used in| Abduction
GoalOriented -->|is used in| Abduction
SmarterInduct -->|is used in| Abduction
SeLFiE -->|is used in| Abduction
PSL -->|integrates| SmarterInduct